Everyone loves networking and stuff; so here are some pertinent links to friends, well wishers, and people who aren’t tired of my insolence yet. Please support them, I may need one of them to help me move one day and I can use their success as my leverage.
Travel Blog Links:
The Sandwich Slayer: The best looking sandwich enthusiast in the world. Based out of Orange County California, this food blog is great for anyone visiting Southern California looking for a nice lunch.
Monkey Steals Peach: A healthy combination of travel and traditional Chinese Martial arts. I particularly enjoy reading about the history behind some of China’s most revered practitioners.
Packing Light Travel – The best carry on bags according to travel bloggers
Wanderer of the World – 25+ most romantic sunsets from around the world
Two Dusty Travelers – Travel Bloggers’ Favorite “SHITHOLE” Countries: Why Trump got it wrong
Travel Blog Exchange – 13 reasons to start a travel blog and 5 reason not
Currently Nerdy: A current events/nerd podcast with ridiculous views and unfiltered tom foolery
Ali A Olomi: A blog from my very good friend Ali A Olomi. An excellent source for you history buffs!
How Am I Feeling: A wonderful blog exploring mental health through outlets such as art and writing.